
21 N Nevada Ave                   719.634.9099

setting schedule

Setting Schedule

The CityROCK routesetters work Monday – Thursday to update routes and boulder problems. You’ll find updated setting information on this page to let you know where the setters will be working each week. 

July 29 – August 1

Here’s the plan,

Monday: Fresh routes for the Flake in the works. We’ll also add a route or two on the S-Wall.

Tuesday: We’ll be resetting the Old Prow, OHS and DZ.

Wednesday: We’ll finish the Flake reset and start working on the Arrow.

Thursday: We’ll be resetting an auto belay lane and doing a brief maintenance check on the OG. Expect the OG to be closed for about an hour in the morning.

Not familiar with the names of the walls? Check out the picture below

Click here to give the routesetters feedback on a route or boulder problem.